
  • 姓名: 赵峰
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 82547079-6
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: zhaofeng@mail.iee.ac.cn
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    简  历:

  • 简历:

    赵峰 男,汉族,中科院电工所 研究员,博导,ieee会员,民盟中央科技委员会委员。主要学术兼职:国家自然基金委函评专家;《ieee transactions on mechatronics》、《ieee transactions on  industrial electronics》、《兵工学报》、《装甲兵工程学报》、《电工技术学报》、《电工电能新技术》等学报审稿专家。










  • 长期从事高功率密度电力电子装备及高速电机控制研究工作,包括感应电机、永磁电机调速控制,高速电机的调速控制,先进电机控制技术,高性能电力电子装备电子系统设计开发,电力电子集成设计技术。


  • 【1】所长基金:双机械端口电机在混合动力汽车中的应用;













  • 【1】"optimal design of planetary gear in multi-mode hybrid drive system," zhao feng, wen yingke, wen xuhui, zhao li and guo qiujian,2014 ieee conference and expo transportation electrification asia-pacific (itec asia-pacific), beijing, 2014, pp. 1-5.

    【2】"a novel implementation of harmonic elimination pulse width modulation technique," zhao feng, zhang guangzhen, wen xuhui, zhao li and guo qiujian,2014 ieee conference and expo transportation electrification asia-pacific (itec asia-pacific), beijing, 2014, pp. 1-5.

    【3】"analyzing zvs soft switching using single phase shift control strategy of dual active bridge isolated dc-dc converters," x. fei, z. feng, n. puqi and w. xuhui, 2018 21st international conference on electrical machines and systems (icems), jeju, 2018, pp. 2378-2381.

    【4】"researches on the output power range of zvs of dual active bridge isolated dc-dc converters," x. fei, z. feng, s. qibiao and w. xuhui, 2018 ieee transportation electrification conference and expo, asia-pacific (itec asia-pacific), bangkok, 2018, pp. 1-5.

    【5】"analysis of charging torque in a three-phase integrated charger of electrical vehicle," duan zhuolin, zhao feng, cong wei, wang yongxing, zhang dong and wen xuhui,2014 ieee conference and expo transportation electrification asia-pacific (itec asia-pacific), beijing, 2014, pp. 1-5.

    【6】"a novel lcd snubber for bifilar-wound permanent magnet synchronous motors," shi qibiao, zhao feng, wen xuhui and wang yongxing,  2014 ieee conference and expo transportation electrification asia-pacific (itec asia-pacific), beijing, 2014, pp. 1-4.

    【7】sensorless control of interior permanent magnet machine at standstill and low speed zhao feng; wen xuhui; xue shan; gao jinwen; power electronics and motion control conference, 2006. epe-pemc 2006. 12th international aug. 30 2006-sept. 1 2006 page(s):1289 - 1294

    【8】a novel position observer for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on model reference adaptive system zhao feng; wen xuhui; zhang liwei; liu jun; hua yang;electrical machines and systems, 2005. icems 2005. proceedings of the eighth international conference on volume 2, 29-29 sept. 2005 page(s):1599 - 1602

    【9】investigation of parallel connection of igbts hua yang; wen xuhui; gu lingyun; wang li; zhao feng; electrical machines and systems, 2005. icems 2005. proceedings of the eighth international conference on volume 1,27-29 sept. 2005 page(s):833 - 835 vol. 1

    【10】a novel sensorless control method for ipm synchronous machine drives by carrier signal injection based on magnetic saliency guo qiujian; zhao li; zhao feng;wen xuhui;ieee industrial electronics, iecon 2006 - 32nd annual conference on6-10 nov. 2006 page(s):1023 - 1028

    【11】modeling of pm-pm dual mechanical ports electric machines zhao feng; wen xuhui; chen jingwei;ieee industrial electronics, iecon 2006 - 32nd annual conference on 6-10 nov. 2006 page(s):1251 - 1256

    【12】a novel position observer for interior permanent magnet synchronous machine zhao feng; wen xuhui; xue shan; gao jinwen; liu jun;international power electronics congress, 10th ieee 16-18 oct. 2006 page(s):1 - 6

    【13】study of field coupling in dual mechanical port electrical machines zhao feng; wen xuhui; guo xizheng; han li; guo xinhua;electrical machines and systems, 2007. icems. international conference on 8-11 oct. 2007 page(s):1591 - 1595



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