
  • 姓名: 杨文晖
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 课题组长
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 电话: 010-82547165
  • 传真: 010-82547164
  • 电子邮件: yangwenh@mail.iee.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二条六号

    简  历:

  •     1989 年华中理工大学(现华中科技大学)光电子学专业毕业,1999 年获中国科学院研究生院电机与电器专业硕士学位,研究员。从1995 年开始从事核磁共振技术工作,主要研究方向是磁共振成像技术的研究工作,近几年开展了超低场磁共振成像和磁共振成像阻抗成像研究工作。



  • 医学成像技术、磁共振成像


  • 2010 participate in 9.4t ultra-high field metabolic mri system,be responsible for
    gradient system
    2008 carried out in ultra-low field magnetic resonance imaging;
    2007 organized and completed clinic 0.35t open mri systems development.
    2006 organized the research magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography;
    2001 organized the development of 0.23t open mri system successfully;
    1998 participated in the development of the world's first permanent 0.35t magnetic resonance imaging magnet;
    1995 participated in international cooperation projects, "alpha magnetic spectrometer ams magnet" development wor.


  • [1] leijiang,yang wenhui: a modified fuzzy c-means algorithm for segmentation of magnetic resonance images,proceedings vii digital image computing: techniques and applications(dicta’03)。p225—231
    [2] leijiang,yang wenhui: adaptive magnetic resonance image denoising using mixture model and wavelet shrinkage, proceedings vii digital image computing: techniques and applications(dicta’03), p831-838;
    [3] yuyu wang, huixian wang, wenhui yang, xiaolin huo and tao song, 2006. a novel conductivity reconstruction algorithm for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (mreit), proceeding of 7th conference on biomedical application of electrical impedance tomography, pp. 215-218, seoul, korea.
    [4] yuyu wang, huixian wang, wenhui yang and tao song, 2007. a comparison of several phase unwrapping methods in mreit,nfsi & icfbi, hangzhou, china, 293~296。
    [5] shufeng wei, yang wenhui,lili hu. a background removing method of mr images and its application in the intensity non-uniformity correction methods. proceedings of the 5th international conference on information technology and application in biomedicine. page175-178
    [6] huixian wang, yuyu wang, wenhui yang, zheng wang and lili hu. conductivity image reconstruction of oblique slice with c-shaped open permanent magnet mri systems, mt-21
    [7] tao chunjing; song, tao; yang, wenhui; wu, shizeng ultra-wideband microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography of human tissues. ieee nuclear science symposium conference record, v 4, p 2584-2588, 2007, 2006 ieee nuclear science symposium – conference record
    [8] zheng wang, wen hui yang, xiao bing zhang, li li hu, hui xian wang a design of 1.5t permanent magnet for mr molecular imaging 21st international conference on magnet technology
    [9] xiaonan, ming wang, tao song, wenhui yang fabrication and test of the planar microcoil for nmr spectroscopy of samples in nl level conference on solid-state and integrated circuits technology proceedings, icsict, p 2492-2495, 2008
    [10] li xiaonan,zhao wuyi wang ming, song tao, yang wenhui design and fabrication of a nmr-spectroscopy microcoil for nano-liter sample chinese journa1 of electronics vo1.18,no.1,jan.2009


