论文编号: | |
第一作者所在部门: | |
论文题目: | primary-side linear control for constant current/voltage charging of the wireless power transfer system based on the lcc-n compensation topology |
论文题目英文: | |
作者: | liu, zm (liu, zhimeng); wang, lf (wang, lifang); guo, yj (guo, yanjie); li, sf (li, shufan) |
论文出处: | |
刊物名称: | ieee transactions on industrial electronics |
年: | 2022 |
卷: | |
期: | |
页: | |
联系作者: | |
收录类别: | |
影响因子: | |
摘要: | |
英文摘要: | |
外单位作者单位: | |
备注: | |
primary-side linear control for constant current/voltage charging of the wireless power transfer system based on the lcc-n compensation topology