论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物名称 | 发表年度 |
双极性锂离子电池热设计仿真研究 | 朱峰, 何颖源, 陈永翀, 刘丹丹, 王玉伟 | 电源技术 | 2021 |
a hierarchically nanostructured composite of moo3-nio/graphene for high-performance lithium-ion batteries | yongqiang teng, hao liu, dandan liu, yongchong chen. | journal of electrochemical energy conversion and storage | 2021 |
电子束阴极用 lab6单晶的制备及其应用 | 肖 男, 伍 岳, 高召顺, 茹亚东, 左婷婷, 薛江丽, 王 岩, 王鹏飞 , 韩 立, 刘俊标, 阴生毅 | 湘潭大学学报(自然科学版) | 2021 |
structural and magnetic transitions of cofemnnial high-entropy alloys caused by composition and annealing | tingting zuo, yongqiang cheng, peiyo g chen, zhaoshun gao, yong zhang, peter k liaw | intermetallics | 2021 |
in-situ graphene enhanced copper wire: a novel electrical material with simultaneously high electrical conductivity and high strength | zhaoshun gao , tingting zuo , meng wang , ling zhang , bo da , yadong ru,jiangli xue , yue wu , li han , liye xiao | carbon | 2021 |
hierarchical optimal energy management strategy of hybrid energy storage considering uncertainty for a 100% clean energy town | 何俊强,师长立,韦统振(junqiang he, changli shi, tongzhen wei) | journal of energy storage | 2021 |
stochastic model predictive control of hybrid energy storage for improving agc performance of thermal generators | 何俊强,师长立,韦统振(junqiang he, changli shi, tongzhen wei) | ieee transactions on smart grid | 2021 |
交直流混合配电网直流故障限流器拓扑及工作原理综述 | 葛雪峰;张亮;李丹栋;史明明;袁宇波;水恒华;尹靖元 | 广东电力 | 2021 |
采用新型开绕组结构的电压暂降与短时中断治理装置 | 刘水;朱锐峰;梅成林;卓定明;钟振鑫;尹靖元 | 广东电力 | 2021 |
基于lcl故障电流控制器的故障快速检测 | 袁晓冬; 史明明; 杨景刚; 葛雪峰; 尹靖元 | 电力工程技术 | 2021 |
integrated topology of multi-line dc circuit breaker and power flow controller | 朱晋,郭心铭,杨旭,周密,韦统振(zhu jin, guo xinming, xu yang, zhou mi, wei tongzhen) | ieee transactions on power delivery | 2021 |
research on honeycomb multi-station integration system | 霍群海,王文勇,张宁宇,张建文,陈国栋,霍亮亮,王鹏,韦统振(huo qunhai, wang wenyong, zhang ningyu,zhang jianwen,chen guodong, huo liangliang,wang peng,wei tongzhen) | the 16th ieee conference on industrial electronics and applications (iciea 2021) | 2021 |
research on a new topology and coordinated control strategy of multi-station integrated system | 霍群海,王文勇,张宁宇,尹靖元,朱晋,韦统振(qunhai huo, wenyong wang, ningyu zhang, jingyuan yin, jin zhu, tongzhen wei) | 2021 ieee 4th international electrical and energy conference | 2021 |
柔性多状态开关应用场景分析 | 霍群海,李梦菲,粟梦涵,杨欢,李达义,陆翌,韦统振 | 电力系统自动化 | 2021 |
霍群海,王文勇,杨艳红,马明,尹靖元,韦统振(huo q, wang w, yang y, ma m, yin j and wei t.) | frontiers in energy research | 2021 | |
fast time-domain solution of dynamic electromagnetic problems based on sinc interpolation | ze guo, shuhong wang, zuqi tang, zhuoxiang ren | ieee transactions on magnetics | 2021 |
an algebraic multigrid method for eigenvalue problems and its numerical tests | ning zhang, xiaole han, yunhui he, hehu xie, chun'guang you | east asian j. appl. math. | 2021 |
一种求解特征值问题的广义共轭梯度算法 | 张宁, 李瑜, 谢和虎, 徐然, 游春光 | 中国科学:数学 | 2021 |
运动电磁场问题的有限元-边界元耦合分析 | 张宁,闫帅,郭泽,周亚星,任卓翔 | 第十六届中国电工技术学会学术年会(acces2021),北京 | 2021 |
从电磁场数值计算到字孪生—— 电气数值建模的历史、现状与趋势 | 任卓翔,徐小宇,陈志福,闫帅 | 第十六届中国电工技术学会学术年会(acces2021),北京 | 2021 |