
论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
evaluation of different algebraic solvers for 3d magnetic vector potential formulation with lorenz term in eddy current problems involving motion shuai yan, zhifu chen, ning zhang, xiaoyu xu, zhuoxiang ren the 8th international conference on electromagnetic field problems and applications, icef2021, oct. 29-31, 2021, tianjin china 2021
a compact twin-model based on model order reduction for permanent magnet synchronous motor ze guo, shuai yan,xiaoyu xu,zhifu chen, zhuoxiang ren 2021 the 8th international conference on electromagnetic field problems and applications (icef). 2021,tian jin,china 2021
a twin-model based on model order reduction for rotating induction motor shuai yan, ze guo, xiaoyu xu, zhifu chen, ren zhuoxiang the 23rd international conference on the computation of electromagnetic fields compumag 2021. january 16-20 2022, cancun mexico 2021
improved sinc method based on pod technique for time domain electromagnetic field problems ze guo, zuqi tang, shuai yan, zhuoxiang ren 2021 23rd international conference on the computation of electromagnetic fields (compumag). 2021 2021
combined euler-lagrange approach for the stability analysis of moving structure in electromagnetic field ze guo, shuai yan,xiaoyu xu,zhifu chen, zhuoxiang ren 2021 23rd international conference on the computation of electromagnetic fields (compumag). 2021.cancun,mexico 2021
wave function and multiscale modeling of mmc-hvdc system for wide-frequency transient simulation hua ye, feng gao, wei pei and li kong ieee j. emerg. sel. topics power electron. 2021
基于附加电压平衡器的可再生能源直流制氢装置接地环流抑制方法 张学,裴玮,谭建鑫,张清清,许佳玮 中国电机工程学报 2021
real-time fpga-digital twin monitoring and diagnostics for pet applications jiawang xiong,hua ye,wei pei,kong li,yijiang han 2021 6th asia conference on power and electrical engineering 2021
the energy management strategies of residential integrated energy system considering integrated demand response tengfei. ma, wei. pei, hao. xiao, g. zhang and s. ma ieee/ias industrial and commercial power system asia (i&cps asia) 2021
基于纳什谈判理论的风–光–氢多主体能源系统合作运行方法 马腾飞,裴玮*,肖浩,李德鑫,吕项羽,侯恺 中国电机工程学报 2021
a nash bargaining-based cooperative planning and operation method for wind-hydrogen-heat multi-agent energy system tengfei ma, wei pei*, wei deng, hao xiao, yanhong yang, chenghong tang. energy 2021
analysis of ac/dc mutual interaction in low voltage multi-terminal dc system under fault state wei deng, wei pei, ningning li, guowei zhang, li ding, li kong 2021 6th asia conference on power and electrical engineering 2021
multi-port balancing controller for flexible interconnection of transformer district deng wei, pei wei, ding li, zhang guoju, xue wenxiang 2021 3rd asia energy and electrical engineering symposium 2021
structural evolution of mesoporous graphene/lini1/3co1/3mn1/3o2 composite cathode for li-ion battery w. j. liu, x. z. sun, x. zhang, c. li, k. wang, w. wen, y. w. ma rare metals 2021
recent advances in carbon nanostructures prepared from carbon dioxide for high-performance supercapacitors c. li, x. zhang, k. wang, f. y. su, c. m. chen, f. y. liu, z. s. wu, y. w. ma journal of energy chemistry 2021
first performance test of the iron-based superconducting racetrack coils at 10 t z. zhang, d. l. wang, s. q. wei, y. z. wang, c. t. wang, z. zhang, h. l. yao, x. p. zhang, fang liu, h. j. liu, y. w. ma, q. j. xu, y. f. wang superconductor science & technology 2021
透射菊池衍射技术(tkd)的进展研究 真空科学与技术学报 真空科学与技术学报 2021
用扩散法制备mgb2块材的研究进展 材料研究学报 材料研究学报 2021
基于有限元分析的nb3sn磁体失超传播速度研究 低温与超导 低温与超导 2021
核磁共振磁体超导接头工艺研究进展 波谱学杂志 波谱学杂志 2021